Most of the usual suspects such as 14th–18th c calligraphy, illuminated manuscripts, islamic art, art nouveau, the Arts & Crafts movement, typography, textiles from around the world, old lace, Baroque, Rococco or Gothic anything, psychedelia, grafitti, Victoriana, Money, engraving, Persian carpets … the list goes on.
Surprisingly, I’m not a big fan of Celtic knotwork or M.C. Escher.
Less obviously, but just as important, are my interests in Modernist architecture and design, Swiss typography, contemporary art, photography, sculpture (too many forms to enumerate), fashion, writing and any number of things that might pass my way randomly at any point in time.
What inspires you?
See above. Plus, reading watching films or having conversations with people will make connections and trigger ideas that will cause me to rush off to a notebook to store something away for a future date. I can be inspired by anything I’m not bored by.
Whose work do you admire?
This is very difficult to answer, as there are so many people, I’m always meeting or finding new ones and forgetting others. An incomplete list: Doyald Young, Ed Fella, Herb Lubalin, Josef Müller-Brockman, William Morris, Alphonse Mucha, Chris War, Robert Bringhurst, El Lissitsky, Rudolf Koch, Moholy Nagy, Gert Dumbar, Ray Fenwick, Andrea Deszö, Stefan Sagmeister, Victor Moscoso, Will Bradley, Ingres, Caravaggio, Rick Valicenti, Alexander Calder, William Thauberger, Fred Tomasselli, Jenny Holzer, Ed Rushe, Paula Scher, Rickie Jay, Rennie Mackintosh, Martin Venezky, John Langdon, Koloman Moser, Mathew Barney, Aubrey Beardsley, Arthur Rackham, Antonio Gaudí, Hundertwasser, Wayne Thiebaud, Richard Neutra, Tibor Kalman, A.A.Milne, Milton Glaser, Peter Greenaway, and probably hundreds of others whose omittance will cause me to slap my head and say, “Goddammit, how could I forget ————??”
Who are your clients?
Stefan Sagmeister, Pentagram, Houghton-Mifflin, Rick Valicenti, ESPN Magazine, Details, InStyle, The New York Times Magazine, Print, Wired … and many others.
What media do you work in?
Pencil, pen, pen & ink, vector art, digital/photographic manipulation, photography, scratchboard, pencil crayons, paint, fabric, ribbons and other objects …

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